Our Services

$anFirst’s areas of specialisation are Corporate, Trusts and Securities (Investment Funds) law. Its legal assignments include:

* Company set up advice including drafting / review of the constitution / shareholders agreement / subscription agreement / investment agreement 

   and review of applications for global business licences and issue of legal certificates

* Trust set up including drafting/review of the deed of trust and related amendments

* Limited partnership set up including drafting/review of the limited partnership agreement

* Foundation registration including drafting/review of the charter/articles

* Collective investment scheme and closed-end fund set up including drafting/review of the constitution, the offering document (private placement 

   memorandum/prospectus) and other constitutive documents

* Mergers and acquisitions including cross-border assignments

* Drafting/review/registration of credit agreements and finance documents

* Litigation searches and searches for charges and encumbrances and due diligence reporting

* Issue of legal opinions

* Company listing on the securities exchanges

* Ship registration

* Registration of trade marks

* Living in Mauritius - occupation permits, permanent residence, acquisition of immovable property